Friday, August 5, 2016


A Biblico-Theological Reflection for the 11th Sunday After Pentecost – Year C based from Luke 12:13-21
Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, July 31, 2016

Our Gospel Lesson in the 11th Sunday After Pentecost, once again reminds us about our attitudes should be as followers of Christ. Jesus said, “Don’t be greedy! Owning a lot of things won’t make your life safe” (Luke 12:15). In our second reading, the Letter of Paul to the Colossians used also the term “greedy” which refers to “idolatry” (Col 3:5). “Don’t be greedy, which is the same as worshipping idols”. Idolatry is putting our trust in, giving our lives to something, or someone other than God. Putting our trust to our possession and used it exclusively for our own benefit. As describe in the Gospel lesson, eat, drink, and enjoy. In the Greco-Roman world which was then the context of Jesus’ movement and ministry, this was the “trend”, as influenced by one of the philosophy of the empire called individualism. In their present human experience, Jesus gave this as one of the warnings to his followers and to the community they organized, “Don’t be greedy! Owning a lot of things won’t make your life safe”. Jesus took this opportunity to expressed his intention to the followers to be rich in what matters to God.

In our gospel lesson, first, Jesus shared his wisdom to those who rich in material possession to see themselves beyond themselves. Life is called a life when it is shared. In the sermon of Rev. Jerry C. Ganal, our SPMCI Chaplain, he shared John Wesley's rule of life was to save all he could and give all he could. When he was at Oxford he had an income of 30 British pounds a year. He lived on 28 pounds and gave 2 pounds away. When his income increased to 60 pounds, 90 pounds and 120 pounds per year, he still lived on 28 pounds and gave the balance away.

And second, Jesus shared his challenge to those who had nothing to do the best and God will do the rest. As advised by Apostle Paul to the Christian community of Colossians, “Think about what is up there, not about what is here on earth” (Col. 3:2). Setting our minds to Christ and the Christ message to us, which tamed us from saying words that insults others and doing cruel acts against our neighbor (Col 3:8). Give up our old ways of life and clothe ourselves with new self which is gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient (Col. 3:12).

Our gospel lesson reminds us that happiness is not having and hoarding what we want. It does not depend on the big amount of money we deposited in the bank and the high status in society. What we own does not guarantee our safety and our salvation. Happiness is to find God and to keep God in our hearts. Ang tunay na yaman ay ang makaranas ng kagalakan dahil sa katiyakang kasama natin ang Diyos nang walang hanggan. Be rich what matters to God. Amen.

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