Friday, August 5, 2016


Theological Reflection based from John 6:30-40, 47-51
Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, August 4, 2016

The bread is the essential food for the Hebrew people and it came to be a metaphor for life and sustenance. This is the essence in one of the lines in the Lord’s Prayer, “..give us this day our daily bread..”

First, the BREAD function as a COMMUNITY BOND or a tie that binds the community or the people together. In this sense, giving bread to one another is an expression of establishing and strengthening our bond together. It is an expression of respect, concern, and hospitality (Gen. 14:18, 18:3; Deut. 23:4; Ruth 2:14; 1 Sam. 25:18; 28:24; 2 Sam. 16:1-2).

Second, the BREAD for the Hebrew people represent the DIVINE INSTRUCTION provided by God for the people’s nourishment and growth through Jesus (John 6:45). Thus, re-echo the instruction of God through Prophet Isaiah (54:13) that leads the people in prosperity and justice. The bread here which is also called the divine instruction that leads us to possess the divine knowledge. Divine in a sense that it gives us life, enlightens, empowers and organize the people. It gives direction to our life as individual person and as member of the family.

Third, the BREAD which represent the Divine Instruction is embodied by JESUS CHRIST. Jesus said, “I am the BREAD of LIFE” (John 6:48). Monika K. Hellwig pointed out that Jesus becomes the bread of life or the food of life for his people when they come into a new life and discover that it is by living for others that they find fulfillment of their own being. Thus, receiving the BREAD offered by God which represent the God’s Divine Instruction is following Jesus totally concerned for others and give totally to sustain others. This re-echo the divine instruction received, possessed, and lived out by Jesus stipulated in the Gospel of Luke 4:18-19, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed and to announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people.

Our gospel lesson pointed out that those who follow Jesus has eternal life. Eternal life here is not about a long life, but a life that is always be remembered by those neighbors who touched by the said life. And a life that when it is commemorated will enlighten and inspires individual life. If we believe, we will also become a living bread to everyone that will be remembered and commemorated always. Our acceptance of this BREAD who is Jesus enables us to share our life, being nourished by His presence, wisdom and love. To be nourish by the BREAD of LIFE means receiving God’s grace by sharing for others. Receiving this BREAD leads us to be immersed in a Christic enlightenment and empowered of creating a community of equals among ourselves, forgiving one another and giving life to one another. Amen.

1.         Hellwig, Monika K. (2003) The Eucharist and the Hunger of the World. Philippines: St. Paul Publication.


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