Monday, November 19, 2018

The Blessing of the SPMCI Spirituality Garden

The Blessing of the SPMCI Spirituality Garden
Prepared by Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, July 26, 2018

The presiding pastor will stand at the centre of the Spirituality Garden. The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice.
Introductory Words
Pastor: The peace of God be with you.
People: And also with you.
Pastor: As we gather together on this particular place of the SPMCI, we are thankful for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Voice 1: The Word of Wisdom that helps us recognized the significance of each other and the importance of the centrality of God in our life.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Wisdom will be lit.

Voice 2: The Word of Knowledge - the ability to think about and to explore God’s revelation, and recognizes the mysteries of faith beyond our senses.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Knowledge will be lit.

 Voice 3: The Gift of Faith, seeking understanding and continue to grow to higher level as we continue to draw near to God. The faith manifests in our daily actions and in the service of the people of God.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Faith will be lit.

Voice 4: The Gift of Healing underlies the great mystery of God’s love offering balance, harmony, and wholeness of the body, mind, spirit, and relationship. The gift that leads us all reconciled with God.
            The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Healing will be lit.

Voice 5: The Workings of Miracles, reminds us of the extraordinary nature of the ordinary world. The ordinary human being created in the image of God has an extraordinary capacity to love and establish empowering relationship. Thus, we are called for the transformation of the world – called as miraculous stewards of God’s creation.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Miracles will be lit.

Voice 6: The Gift of Prophecy, the gift of speaking God’s Word clearly and passionately, and bold speak what needs to be said. The Gift of Prophecy is the ability to proclaim God’s future by revealing God’s perspective on our current reality.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Prophecy will be lit.

Voice 7: The Gift of Discernment, the ability to see the best way to follow, critically analyses the situation when choices came confusing. The gift of allowing us to focus on what is the priority and most important to consider, and guides us whom to listen and whom to avoid.   
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Discernment will be lit.

Voice 8: The Gift of Exhortation or speak in tongues which is the ability to speak freely the tongues of the earth that enlightened and empowers the people.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Speaking in Tongues will be lit.

Voice 9: The Gift to Interpret Tongues is the ability to interpret God’s word in a multi-cultural context and reality.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle for the Gift to Interpret Tongues will be lit.

All: O God, we are thankful for the Gifts of the Holy Spirits who empowers us.

Pastor: Indeed, we are thankful for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to make the gifts in us, with us, and through us bear fruits that builds, empowers and flourishes life to its fullness.

Voice 10: We light the Candle of Love which expresses our commitment to manifest the wisdom of God. It expresses our commitment to manifests through our life time the love of God to all people, regardless of colours, generations, sexual orientation and convictions. Thus, we can therefore build a community not linked by blood ties but by bonds of commitment to Christ and to his community.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Love will be lit.

Voice 11: We light the Candle of Joy which expresses our commitment to the knowledge we have received from God who journeyed with the poor, oppressed, marginalized, exploited and deprived but rejoicing because of the amazing thing that God has done to them. A joy that overtakes our sorrows and washes away pains and paves the way to the fullness of life.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Joy will be lit.

Voice 12: We light the Candle of Peace which expresses our faith to peace-building. This candle reminds us to Christ’s peace that we received by faith, a pure gift to those who accept it and committed to peace building initiatives.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Peace will be lit.

Voice 13: We light the Candle of Patience which expresses our commitment to possess the virtue of consistency and endurance in journeying towards life in its fullness. This also reminds us that the God we believe is the God who offered us healing and salvation.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Patience will be lit.

Voice 14: We light the Candle of Kindness which expresses our commitment to make our life a manifestation of God’s miracles leading us to repentance and being redeemed to the purpose of our existence (Romans 2:4). Kindness is Caring, Helping, Redeeming, Inspiring, Serving, and Trusting someone that he/she can do what is good for them, for their love ones, and for the world with passion and compassion.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Kindness will be lit.

Voice 15: We light the Candle of Goodness which expresses our commitment to proclaim the Gospel in word and in deed. Living a life with Compassion, doing Holy and Redeeming things, fully Immersed to the purpose of our existence as created in the image of God, Sharing life with one another that Transforms life towards its fullness.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Goodness will be lit.

Voice 16: We light the Candle of Faithfulness which expresses our commitment to discernment and live faithfully a life that is Christic (Liberating), Healed, Redeemed, Inter-cultural competent for Social Transformation. A life that sees the realities of life through the eyes of Christ, speaks with the voice of Christ, heals with the hands of Christ, and breathed with the Spirit of Christ.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Faithfulness will be lit.

Voice 17: We light the Candle of Gentleness, which expresses our commitment to live a life that Cares, like a mother caring her little children (1 Thess 2:7) prompted by love; a way of life that gives Hope; a life that Redeems and Inspires people; a life that passionately Sharing wisdom with one another; a life that that corrects and Teaches others. In a gentle heart born a life that is CHRIST (Galatians 6:1; 2 Timothy 2:25; 1 Peter 3:15).
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Gentleness will be lit.

Voice 18: We light the Candle of Self-Control which expresses our commitment to a life with discipline; developing the capacity to subdue our impulses and desires, and our own will to let the will of God reign in our heart. Let our life a Gospel in a multi-cultural context and realities.
The Tibetan bowl will be beaten thrice. The Candle of Self-Control will be lit.

All: O God, we are thankful for the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit who empowers us.

Pastor: Indeed, we are thankful for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to make the gifts in us, with us, and through us bear fruits that builds, empowers and flourishes life to its fullness. We believe that the Holy Spirit is our companion and our guide.
The blessing for the Spirituality Garden will be offered by the Pastor.
O God, our Parent, pour out your blessing upon this Spirituality Garden recognizing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that you have entrusted to the SPMCI and looking for the fruits of these Gifts of the Holy Spirit manifest in us, with us, and through us as member of the SPMCI Community. Amen.

A hymn will be sung. 

2. (Accessed, July 23, 2018)
5.       Heavne, Betsey, (2012) Job Description and Leadership Training in the United Methodist Church, 2013-2016. USA: Discipleship Resources – Philippines.
7.       Martensen, Jean (ed). (1998). SING OUT NEW VISIONS: Prayers, Poems and Reflections by Women. USA: Augsburg Fortress.
8.       (2002) THE UNITED METHODIST BOOK OF WORSHIP. USA: The United Methodist Publishing House.
9.       (2000)THE UNITED METHODIST BOOK OF DISCIPLINE. USA: The United Methodist Publishing House.

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