Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Church is in the PITS, thus needs a TIPS

The Church is in the PITS, thus needs a TIPS
Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, July 9, 2019, Sarum College, Salisbury, England

Methodism is a movement of renewal, a renewing force within the Church of England, committed to prove in experience what the church professed in doctrine. John Wesley tried to renew the Church to its original purposes of existence passionately lives out the transformative apostolic traditions and the great commission of Jesus Christ, thus incarnate the love of God, made practical the professed doctrines and mission of the Church, in solidarity with the poor, oppressed, marginalized, exploited, deprived but struggling people towards the fullness of life. The Church should be freed from privatized leadership and program components, wherein the leadership and administrative responsibilities in all the aspects of the Church confined only to the ordained and the lay people are merely spectators. Preserving the fixed rules and hierarchy of authority and forget the distinctive being and calling of the Church. It should be freed from individualism and institutional, that being a Christian is an individual matter and is not essentially bound to life with others, and imitating the organizational structures and management of profitable corporations confined in the bureaucratic pressures. Thus, the Church consciously or unconsciously hides the hunger of the people for companionship and community, overlooked the status of the body and the spirit of the people, and narrowed with the fixed rules and hierarchy of authority. The Church should be freed from being traditional, in a sense that the Church lost from its purpose of existence and from its understanding of the tradition. The apostolic tradition and ministry passed on to the Church is to be contextual in doing the ministry. What the Church inherited from our fore-parents of faith was how to become proactive of the realities of the times, and how to live out faith in our context. Moreover, the Church should be redeemed from being separated from the people by having a big gap between the lay people and the clergy. Though, the authority to preside the sacraments is only for the clergy but to become sacramental is for everybody’s calling either clergy or lay. In our understanding, sacraments are collective celebration of clergy and lay making the grace of God visible to them, through them, and with them in the unity of the Spirit of God poured out upon them that made them empowered to preach good news to the poor, enlightenment, freedom and liberation, provide sanctuary, and the realization of the fullness of life. The Church should be sacrament of God’s grace and God’s liberating acts.

As pointed out by Rev. Dr. Paul W. Chilcote[1] about John Wesley’s assessments, that the Church is in the PITS (P.I.T.S) or in the depths of despair. So, the Church needs to be renewed in the Spirit of God, thus, needs TIPS (T.I.P.S) or reminders, guidance or instructions for renewal living in the power of God’s love for a transformed and transforming spirituality. And in the emergence and the development of the Methodist Societies, the TIPS made Methodism a phenomenal faith community throughout the world, that claimed by John Wesley as his parish.

[1] Rev. Dr. Paul W. Chilcote is the Director of the United Methodist Studies and Professor of the Asbury Theological Seminary, USA.

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