Monday, March 5, 2018


April 1, 2017, 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
@ Spottswood Methodist Center, Kidapawan City
The people will gather in front of the Spottswood Methodist Center. An indigenous music will be played as the selected performers from SPMCI will portray the effects of El Nino Phenomenon that led almost 6,000 farmers and indigenous people to gather in the city of Kidapawan to ask for a rice subsidy from the government. To remind the scene last April 1, 2016 the symbols like the stones, placards, truncheons, guns and bullet will be put in a place where it will be visible to all.

The performers will lead the reading of the following:
Rice is heaven
You can’t make it on your own
Rice should be shared
Rice is heaven

We all see
The same stars in heaven
How natural that we
All share the same rice
Rice is heaven
As we eat
God enters into us
Rice is heaven

Oh rice
Should be shared and eaten
(WCC 10th Assembly Resources for Prayer and Praise, 2013)

Leader: In the name of God our Parent, our source and provider.
People: Amen.
Leader: The events last April 1, 2016 earned diverse of reactions, thoughts and feelings among the people of the Province of Cotabato and much more among the leaders and members of The United Methodist Church (TUMC). The people called Methodists in the Davao Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church warmly and gladly welcome us in this Ecumenical and Inter-faith Liturgy for Peace and Reconciliation, this 1st day of April 2017, here at Spottswood Methodist Center, Kidapawan City.

At this moment, the performers will portray the different reactions of the people about the events. Then there is a moment of silence. An indigenous musical instrument will be played.

ALL: We believe that we gather together, to manifest our willingness and commitment to participate in principled and unifying engagements and dialogue between and among each other that leads us to the attainment of peace based on justice – the life to its fullness.

Indigenous People and Famers: We believe that we all share on the aspiration and vision that all may live, regardless of our color, culture, and social class convictions, in the fullness of life. Thus, no one will be left behind in the attainment of the fullness of life

LGU, PNP, AFP: We gather together to pray and be a prayer to one another, to be the manifestation of God’s wisdom and God’s love to one another.

Church People: We gather to ask for the blessing of God, to guide us in our contemplation about the lessons we have learned in the events of April 1, 2016, the challenges to our community, organizations, agencies in the context of upholding the dignity and the sacredness of life.

ALL: Amen.

Led by the SPMCI Chorale.

The people at this moment will bow down their heads the prayer leader chant the given text of the opening prayer.
Dios na aming Magulang,
Kami nawa ay patnubayan
Pagtatagpo naming ito,
Nawa’y kapuri-puri sa ‘Yo.

Dios na aming Pinagmulan
Ng lakas, diwa’t kakayanan
Patuloy kaming palakasin
Sa ‘Yong presensya ay buklurin.

Dalangin namin O Diyos,
Biyaya Mo’y gawing lubos,
Sa ‘Yong bayan na hikahos,
Pala’t pag-ibig Mo’y ibuhos.

Pagpalain kaming tanan
Na binubuklod Mong Bayan
Nawa’y ganap maranasan,
Pag-ibig Mo’t katuwiran.

At nang aming maitaas,
Mga puso’t buhay na wagas,
Magpasalamat sa Iyo O Diyos,
At maglingkod sa ‘yong taus.

Dios na aming magulang...….

Leader: Compassionate God, we affirm today that you created us in your own image.
People: For this we praise and thank you.
IP and Farmers Representative: Compassionate God, as created in your own image, you gave us the capacity to establish a community with harmonious relationship, regardless of our differences.
People: For this we praise and thank you.
LGU/AFP/PNP Representative: Compassionate God, you commissioned us to go, be fruitful with the attitudes of your love, respect, and understanding.
ALL: But we failed to live it out towards our brothers and sisters, to the extent that we go away from the very purpose of our existence as created in God’s image. Thus, we lead to become violent, cruel, selfish, abusive to our neighbor at times.
Church People: Compassionate God, help us to discern our weaknesses and strength as we commemorate the events of April 1, 2016.
ALL: Help us to contemplate on the lessons that we have learned brought by the said events, in order that we will become better leaders and persons and be able to do better our duties and responsibilities, in our offices, organizations, churches and communities.

At this moment, the leader will invite the representatives of the participating organizations, institutions, faith community (farmers, Indigenous People, Ptr. Junilo Ancheta, Rev. Fr. Peter Geremiah, PIME; Rev. Juliet Exiomo, UMC) to share (3 – 5 minutes) their thoughts about what they have learned in the events last April 1, 2016? What are the things that they need to improve so that their particular group would contribute a lot for the attainment of peace and reconciliation towards the fullness of life.

Leader: Compassionate God, open our eyes, open our hearts to your presence among us. Amen.

The choir will lead us a song that has the message of pardon and assurance of the guidance of God to the people journeying towards the fullness of life.

Then the leader will say:
God forgives us and renews us. God inspires us and challenge us to journey together towards Shalom. Amen.

Reader from UCCP: A reading from the Book of Isaiah (Isaiah 41:1-20). The Word of the Lord.
All:  Thanks be to God!
EPISTLES LESSON                
Rev. Mary Cris O. Annaguey, UMC: A reading from the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians (12:4-11). The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God!
(Alleluia, UMH186) Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
+GOSPEL LESSON                 
The Rev. Shirlee Ann V. Casiano, ECP:  The Lord be with you.  
All:  And also with you.
The Rev. Shirlee Ann V. Casiano, ECP:   A reading from the Holy Gospel of Jesus according to Luke (6: 20-36).
All: Glory to you, Lord!
Pastor: (Read the Gospel) The Gospel of the Lord.

HOMILY                                                                             Bishop Rodolfo A. Juan, DMin.
                      Resident Bishop, Davao Episcopal Area
The United Methodist Church

The leader will invite the representatives of the PNP (Provincial Director and City Chief of Police), AFP (39 IB PA, Battalion Commander), LGU (City of Kidapawan, Hon. Jun Piñol; Makilala, Hon. Rudy Caoagdan, DPA; Kabacan, Hon. Herlo Guzman;  Magpet; Arakan; Roxas; Antipas; and the Province of Cotabato, Gov. Emmylou “Lala” J. Taliño-Mendoza), and Media (Atty. Gregorio Andolana) to share (3 – 5 minutes) their Commitment in the collective efforts for Peace and Reconciliation. The sharing will be concluded by a Prayer of Peace and Reconciliation.

The people will be encouraged to kneel during this prayer to be led by the leaders from different participating groups. If possible, Ustadz/Imam, Ptr. Modeno Embog, Bishop Genesis Ballos, Rev. Fr. Fred Palomar, DCK.

Leader:  The Lord be with you!
People: And also with you!
Leader: This is the day that the Lord has made to unite ourselves in working together mounting the altar peace and reconciliation.

The assigned reader (Sofia Rev de Guzman Cortado) will read the passages in the Bible taken from Amos 4:1-5. The people will response through a song, “HALLE-HALLE-HALLE-LUIA”.
AFP/PNP: O, Lord, make us instruments of peace, agents of justice and reconciliation, and bearers of hope. Make us one as you are one.

Children with Ptr. Vilma Surao, UMC: What we long for is a united table, where our differences will not separate us but enrich and challenge us.

Gov. Emmylou “Lala” Taliño-Mendoza: O, Lord, make us instruments of peace, agents of justice and reconciliation, and bearers of hope. Make us one as you are one.

Moro, IP and Farmer: O God, lead us to a table of reconciliation, where we can sit together with our distinctiveness but united in your compassion and love.

Mrs. Anita Riingin: O, Lord, make us instruments of peace, agents of justice and reconciliation, and bearers of hope. Make us one as you are one.

Joy Balatico, United Methodist Youth: O, God, lead us to the table of abundance where there is room for all, regardless of our color, culture, social class and convictions where there is generous sharing, and no one will be lack of your grace.

Church People/Religious: O, Lord, make us instruments of peace, agents of justice and reconciliation, and bearers of hope. Make us one as you are one.

ALL: O, God, make us instruments to build on this place a sanctuary where the altar of peace and reconciliation will stand. A table of solidarity where all can celebrate our own spirituality, and celebrate together our faith in one God, the God of many colors, the God of cosmos, and the God of Peace and Justice.

At this moment, the leader will encourage the people to lay down their symbols [stones, placards, sticks, truncheons, bullets] to be used in mounting the altar through the guidance of the visual artists. The choir will lead a community song.

The consecration will be led by the Bishop.

HYMN                   Sois La Semilla (You are the Seed)     TUMH 583
You are the seed that will grow a new sprout;
you’re a star that will shine in the night;
you are the yeast and a small grain of salt,
a beacon to glow in the dark.
You are the dawn that will bring a new day;
you’re the wheat that will bear golden grain;
you are a sting and a soft, gentle touch,
my witnesses where’er you go.

You are the flame that will lighten the dark,
sending sparkles of hope, faith, and love;
you are the shepherds to lead the whole world
through valleys and pastures of peace.
You are the friends that I chose for myself,
the word that I want to proclaim.
You are the new kingdom built on a rock
where justice and truth always reign.
You are the life that will nurture the plant;
you’re the waves in a turbulent sea;
yesterday’s yeast is beginning to rise,
a new loaf of bread it will yield.
There is no place for a city to hide,
nor a mountain can cover its might;
may your good deeds show a world in despair
a path that will lead all to God.
Go, my friends, go to the world, proclaiming love to all,
messengers of my forgiving peace, eternal love.
Be, my friends, a loyal witness, from the dead I arose;
"Lo, I’ll be with you forever, till the end of the world."

Leader: Press upon us, God, the urgency of a just peace, the insistence of the cries for healing, the imperatives to be life-giving and other affirming so that as a community of many colors, a tri-people community, we will actively participate in Your mission in the pursuit and attainment of the fullness of life. Amen.

BENEDICTION                                                                                   BOW 190
The benediction will be led by the bishops present, assisted by the pastors and the SPMCI Chorale.
Pastor: The Lord bless you and keep you.
People: Amen, Amen, Amen.
Pastor: The Lord make his to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
People: Amen, Amen, Amen.
Pastor: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
People: Amen, Amen, Amen.
Numbers 6:24-26
The agape meal or the fellowship meal will follow.
1.        (2013) RESOURCES FOR PRAYER AND PRAISE. Republic of Korea: World Council of Churches.
2.        (1989) WITH ALL GOD’S PEOPLE: The New Ecumenical Prayer Cycle. Geneva: WCC Publications.

3.       (1992) THE UNITED METHODIST BOOK OF WORSHIP. USA: The United Methodist Publishing House.
Prepared by: Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, Acting Dean of the College of Theology, Southern Philippines Methodist Colleges, Inc., Mt. Apo Village, Kidapawan City, Philippines.

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