Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Agape Meal: A Liturgy Guide

THE AGAPE MEAL: A Liturgy Guide[1]
The people will gather or face at the table where the Chicken Macaroni Soup is being set or prepared. The presiding pastor will stand behind the table. A preparatory song will be led by the SInAG ng SPMCI. Then the pastor will lead the introductory.

Pastor: The Lord be with you.
Community: And also with you!
Pastor: Lift up your heart!
Community: We lift them up to Lord.
Pastor: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God!
Community: It is right to give thanks and praise.
Pastor: Let us pray. Living God, you are present in our midst.
Community: and we praise you.
Pastor: In our fellowship dance and meal today, you boost our energy and spirit.  
Community: For this, we praise you…
Pastor: Because, in Jesus, you have shown us the steps and moves to dance with the poor, oppressed, marginalized, exploited, and deprived.
Community: For this we give You thanks, O God our Parent, the Lord of the Dance.
All: Amen.

Pastor: As we gather at this table, we remember these words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If you eat this bread, you will live forever.” (John 6:51).
Community: We come to this table hungry and thirsty. Satisfy us, O God.
Pastor:  We will enjoy the meal with you, O Lord, and with one another.

The pastor will continue to say:
The chicken macaroni soup that we are about to partake will nourish our hearts to be in L.O.V.E. A life that Love one another (Romans 13: 8), Obeying the law (Romans 13:8) or the commandments of God, or the ethical instructions of the Lord (Romans 13: 9), being Vocal in loving our neighbour as we love ourselves (Romans 13: 10), and Enlightened, as we live in the Light (Romans 13:13).

Then the pastor may hold hands, palms down, over the bowls of the chicken macaroni soup:
Pour your Holy Spirit on us gathered here, and on these bowls of chicken macaroni soup that through these you may give us new life, boost our energy and our hope to live a life that is CHRISTIC, a life to its fullness.

The pastor may raise hands.
By your Spirit make us one with the Lord of the Dance, the Christ of many colours, enjoying the gift of diversity with one another, and one in ministry to all the world, now and forever. Amen.

The pastor will lead the sharing of the bowls of the chicken macaroni soup. Then a Concluding Hymn will be sung and followed by the Final Blessing.

[1] Prepared by Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, Acting Dean of the College of Theology, Southern Philippines Methodist Colleges, Inc., Mt. Apo Village, Kidapawan City, Philippines. September 19, 2017

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