Tuesday, May 29, 2018



The representative from the different women organizations and churches will be asked to gather around the pole located at the lower left part of the stage. A hymn will be sung lead by the choir. Then the presider will say:

The grace of the Lord be with you!
And also with you!

Let us pray,
O God of many colors, bless us as we do this liturgy of weaving/knot tying affirming the spirituality of unity in diversity. Help us to be united in a Christic-culture – in a liberating culture in a sense that this is a gender fair and cultural sensitive, life giving and other affirming. Amen.

The representative will do the knot tying/weaving. A meditative hymn may be sung lead by the choir and the presider will say.

The different colors of the cloth convey the different locations, generations, races of the people today who share their time, prayer, gifts and talents. It symbolizes our presence today who are gathered to pray for each other, affirm our accountability for each other as neighbors. We affirm our connection, as connected to the one pole- the pole of Christ- that allows us to build a strong bond for the transformation of the world. This liturgy of knot tying/weaving express our openness to learn and teach one another leading to the creation of a strong ties that would hold and prepare us together to participate in the mission of God. In this liturgy of knot tying/weaving we affirm the presence of Christ who wants us to be the instruments of ending the history of repression, exploitation, and oppression. Thus, leads us to build a compassionate community which manifest the concreteness of love to one another, the un-ending dialogical process of building confidence between and among communities while recognizing its unique existences.

The knot tying/weaving will be concluded by a prayer:

O God, may we all find the beauty of life. Fill us with love, humility, and generosity to share our blessings with other. Demonstrate mutual respect for the customs and practices of different communities. O, God, help us to make our community a fertile ground where the garden of peace based on justice flourish; life, healing, and hope will be experienced by all. Amen.


[1] Prepared by Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, Southern Philippines Methodist Colleges, Inc., Mt. Apo Village, Kidapawan City, March 3, 2017.

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