Saturday, May 19, 2018



This program is one of the tools of the SPMCI for the Licensed Local Pastor and Ordained Ministry Formation. It is designed to help our seminarians or students discern their vocation and established habits of prayer that can sustain a lifelong commitment in the Licensed Local Pastor and Ordained Ministry. And thus, acquire the listening and learning heart of disciples that deepen their loyalty to Christ through the United Methodist Church, as being set apart to preach, to teach, to administer the sacraments, to nurture, to heal, to gather the community in worship and send them for witness and outreach ministries (UMC BOD par 302).

The College of Theology use the following spiritual activities as means to accomplish abovementioned goals:
1.       Celebration of the Daily Praise and Prayer. In the United Methodist Church, Daily Praise and Prayer enables to celebrate daily the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These services intend to praise God and offer prayer for God’s creation, for the SPMCI community, the those in pain and who are sick, for the world, for the country, and for the Church. In the context of SPMCI, it is celebrated every 5:00 to 5:30 in the morning from Monday to Friday, using the pattern provided by the UMC Book of Worship at the Chapel. Occupants in the Gents and Women Dormitory are required to participate in this daily spiritual discipline.

2.       The Celebration of the Holy Communion. Our seminarians or theology students are required to actively participate during the Celebration of the Holy Communion as acolytes, scripture reader, worship leader, member of the Praise Singing Team or Liturgical Dance Ministry Team, communion steward, or preacher. The Celebration of Holy Communion at SPMCI is every Wednesday, 9:30 in the morning. They are required to wear their clerical or sotana.

3.       A Journey to HEAL. This is a meditative walk to healing, enlightenment, acceptance, and liberation at the SPMCI labyrinth. This is one of the ancient prayer practices that the SPMCI adopted wherein the seminarians or theology students experiences the triple kinesis of God. (1) The searching God descending into our human experiences through the Creations and of Jesus Christ. (2) God’s presence in our human experiences ascending us to the state of being redeemed, enlightened, and empowered. And (3) God through us and with us re-descending to the poor, oppressed, marginalized, exploited, deprived but struggling people thus they may affirm that God our Parent is not just loving and caring, but God is Love (1 John 4:8, 16). As they go along with their journey at the labyrinth, they allow themselves in the moment of silence to experience God’s healing presence, voice, and liberating challenge. Then on the way out from the center of the labyrinth, asking God to continually guide them by God’s wisdom and love. The seminarians or theology students are required to have this meditative walk at least once a week in their choice of time.

4.       Spiritual Retreats. Every year, seminarians or theology students in all level will have their three (3) to five (5) days Spiritual Retreat sometimes in February. Spiritual Retreat is also required to the graduating seminarians or students, two weeks prior to their commencement exercises. During retreats, participating seminarians or theology students will be detached from using cell phones, emails, televisions and other gadgets that distracts the whole course of the retreat.

5.       Spiritual Direction. All seminarians or theology students will be assigned candidacy mentor approved by the Dean of the College of Theology. Candidacy mentors are clergy of the United Methodist Church assigned as professor at SPMCI or Administrator of the Local Churches or program agencies around and near the SPMCI campus who gives spiritual direction to seminarians or theology students as candidate to the Licensed and Ordained Ministry. Trust is sacred between mentors and mentees that needs to develop and preserve. In the spiritual direction, the student can freely express his/her life story, faith journey, joys and pains, fears and temptations. The mentor-mentee sessions will be held once a month wherein the communication of both is considered confidential.

6.       Devotional Prayer. The seminarians or theology students are encouraged to have their own individual devotional prayer time that help to sustain the effective communion with God. Thus, help to stay focused on God using the Protestant prayer beads being introduced during the recently concluded UMC General Conference Session adopted by the SPMCI as one of the prayer practices of the community.

This program is also responsible for the creation of the following ministries:
1.       Acolytes Ministry. This ministry is (1) responsible to mobilize the members of the SPMCI community to get involved in the preparation of the chapel for the Celebration of the Holy Community every Wednesday.  (2) This ministry will take charge in the preparation of Holy Communion Table, the altar wares and elements to be used in the celebration. (3) Members of this ministry will take charge to assigned or will serves as Worship Leader, Lectors, Bible Bearer, Candle Bearer, Crucifer, Ushers, and Communion Stewards. This ministry will have a regular meeting, training, and workshop to their members for the efficiency of their ministries rendered.
2.       Gospel Music Ministry. This ministry will take charge for the vitality of singing praises and thanksgiving songs during the conduct of the Worship Service. This band will be maximized to explore and development of gift and talents of the students in the music ministry and leadership. Composed and produced original praise and worship songs that would contribute to revitalized the worship and spiritual life of the people.
3.       Liturgical Dance and Theater Arts Ministry. In partnership with the Gospel Music Ministry, this ministry will take charge the tambourine dancers, theater arts and liturgical dancers to have a performance that revitalized the worship life of the SPMCI community and the churches around. This ministry will have a regular meeting, training, and workshop to their members for the efficiency of their ministries rendered.
4.       Liturgy and Preaching Ministry. This ministry will (1) take charge in the preparation of rituals, liturgy guide to be used during the Chapel Services and liturgical celebrations of the SPMCI. (2) Communicate, facilitate and scheduled the preachers and presiders during the Chapel Services. (3) Compile the Sermons and Liturgy Guides being used during the Chapel Services and initiate for the publication of this compilations.

These spiritual activities and ministry components of the Spiritual Formation Program will be coordinated through the Spiritual Formation Program Management Committee, organized and supervised by the Office of the Dean of Theology, in partnership will the Office of Student Affairs, Officers of the Theology Student Society and Christian Education Students. A student assistant (s) will be employed to assist in the implementation of the programs. The Theology and Christian Education students is required to be involved in the different spiritual activities and ministry components of the program as part of their training in the Pastoral Ministry.

Prepared by:

Acting Dean, College of Theology

Approved by:


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