Tuesday, May 31, 2016


“A WAY OF LIFE AND A WAY OF LOVE: A Theological Reflection”
By Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, August 2014

Last July 19, 2014, I attended the FAMILY AND LIFE ARCHDIOCESAN ASSEMBLY of the Roman Catholic Church Archdiocese of Davao held at Stella Maris Academy in Davao City, participated by almost 1,000 couples coming from the different vicariate and parishes. I understand that it was a continuing campaign to promote the natural family planning guided with the theme, “NFP: A Way of Life and a Way of Love”. I will focus my reflection to the following: the assembly, the dance presentations, and the theme.

First, the said assembly defines the Natural Family Planning as scientific, natural and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancies. The methods are based on the observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle. The Church consider this as unitive and procreative nature of conjugal act which in accordance to the plan of God for human and married love. Based from the testimonies and on my readings of some related articles, the NFP promote a holistic approach to family planning which both respects procreation and has the potential to deepen the intimacy of husband and wife. It strengthens the marriage life since it requires dialogues between husband and wife to cooperate with each other in the most intimate area of their lives. Husband and wife will live in a renewed courtship as they discover the non-sexual ways to express their love to each other, and develop within them the discernment of God’s will for their marriage.

Second, aside from the lectures, one of the highlights of the activities that I enjoyed so much was the dance presentations of the couples. It was so inspiring and amazing. I enjoyed watching not on their professional level of presentation but on their love to each other manifested on their dances. For me, dancing is a way of communication that enlightens each other. Dancing is one of the most effective medium of self-expressions of thoughts, ideas, feelings, and theology as well. I am so blessed and inspired watching them not on how they professionally executed the dance steps but how sweet, lovely and happy they are on their presentations. I know that such presentations are coupled with sacrifices of time and effort to learn the steps. But it was fulfilling for them because they danced with their partner in life and manifested in their faces that they danced based on the beat of their hearts. The dance presentations portrayed a lot of potentials to make marriage life great.

Third, the theme of the assembly, “NFP: A Way of Life and a Way of Love” simply points out the Natural Family Planning as pillars that constitute a successful marriage and family life. Marriage life in the Natural Family Planning perspective is a conjugal act of life which is a liberating action. It is a liberating life since it sharpens our communications with each other, as husband and wife. In this sense, NFP leads husband and wife to pour out their energy and have shared responsibilities for safeguarding God's gifts of human sexuality, marriage and family. The Husband must learn not to focus on his own self but on the self of his wife, and the same breath with the wife. It is a challenge leading both husband and wife to a joyful experience, realizing that the more they love each other, the more they are conscious that they are loved by the other. Husband and wife were joyfully sharing what they have for the common good of their family, develop the principles of priority for the common creativity and well-being of the family.

Based from the testimonies I’ve heard, the challenge for the Filipino family will be, first, allocate certain times of the day for the purpose of just talking together; second, practice listening without interrupting; third, understand the context; and fourth, live out the principles that the dignity of a couple is the one who decide how many children. We are reminded by the teachings of the Church (Lumen Gentium), that family is a domestic church which delivers a new citizen of human society. The husband and wife sealed in the marriage life through the service of matrimony should become first preachers and teachers of faith by word and in deed to their children. Let’s make this our way of life and our way of love. Amen.

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