Saturday, May 28, 2016


A Reflection on the Feeding of the Five Thousand based from John 6:1-15
By Rev. Jeric C. Cortado, SPMCI

Aside from Jesus, the unnamed boy who brought five loaves and two fishes to Jesus in behalf of his father, mother and probably brothers and sisters portrayed the important figure in the story of the multiplication of loaves and fishes.  This boy represents the considered poor, oppressed, marginalized, exploited, deprived, but struggling (pomeds) community of that time. The boy represents the insignificant people that were deprived by social services supposed to be offered by the government of their time.  The loaves of bread and fishes shared by the unnamed boy and his family represent their status as ordinary people (the loaves of bread and fish were the common food of the pomeds during the time of Jesus). Represent their gift or something to share to give life and strength for others. Thus reminds us to our existence as human beings to be a sacrament of God’s liberating grace and love for all. 

The multiplication of loaves and fish is the multiplication of power rooted from the context of the pomeds people to change the world of poverty, oppression, marginalization, exploitation, and deprivations towards the fullness of life. The appearance of the unnamed boy from anywhere symbolizes the procession of the gift of life and hope from the margins, which is a fertile ground of liberating sources and forces for making the future with hope present. The acceptance of Jesus of the five loaves and two fishes offered by the unnamed boy is a confirmation of Jesus about the gift, treasures, and strength that the ordinary people have and fully share to liberate themselves and realized in and through them the reign of God. The miracles is not only happened in the multiplication of loaves and fishes but on the enlightenment and empowerment experienced by the people who witnessed the procession of the life and gift by the unnamed boy to the historical Jesus. 

In the story, when Jesus commanded his disciple to let the people settle down in the grassland and organize themselves into a small group for them to fellowship, share their food and stories with one another. The miracles there is the realization of the people that something will happen when they share together and together in facing the challenges of their time – that actually multiply their own power or potency to transform the world.####

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