Wednesday, September 13, 2017

CLOSING RITUAL “The Crisis Situation in Marawi – Context, Updates and Perspectives for Peace: A Public Forum”

“The Crisis Situation in Marawi – Context, Updates and Perspectives for Peace: A Public Forum”
Preparatory Music                                                                                           
The participants will gather together and form a big circle. At the middle are the religious leaders (Bishop Rodolfo A. Juan, Bishop Jeneses C. Ballos, Representative from the Roman Catholic Church, Abdulnasser Ampatuan, and Indigenous People Leaders) surround a table. The following affirmations will be read by a tri-people youth leader.
We believe that the almighty and gracious God created us in one blood, men and women; and we are called to dwell on this earth and be responsible stewards.
We believe that we are created in God’s image with potency to know and love God; and we are called to know and love each other as brothers and sisters, caring for one another as members of the People of God.
We believe in God of many colours, who called us to become peoples of different languages, races, and religious communities.
We believe that God called us to weave our harmonious relationship with one another, and be the instruments of building bridges to make peace happen and possible in our community.
              And thus, through this we may praise and glorify God. Amen.             
Introductory Words
Leader: Peace be with you.
People: And also with you.
Leader: Friends, we are gathered together in this place and moments of time wherein the different elements (air, water, fire, earth) are visible to us reminding of our commonalities and what bind us as humans. The fruits prepared by our dear young people for us to share are the products of these elements – these are blessings from God. The coffee being set before us, reminds us that we are created to be the manifestation of God’s love to one another, and that through us and with us, our neighbour will experience the hospitality of God, whom we called Allah, Bathala, Manema, Kabunian, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Everlasting God. And as we fellowship with one another, we are also remembering our brothers and sisters in Marawi City and its surrounding communities; those who are currently in the evacuation centers; those currently and still hostages of the violent extremist group; those wounded, tortured, and traumatized in places of conflict; those family of the fallen law enforcers. We pray for them, and we also pray for those who commit violence that they will be bothered  with the effects of what they did and what they will be doing.                          
There is a moment of silence.
Intercessory Prayer
The gathered community will offer a prayer in silence, while a meditative music will be played. The different religious leaders (If possible, 1 from the Muslim Community, 1 from the Lumad Community, 1 from the Evangelical Churches, 1 from the Roman Catholic Church ) will be requested to lead the prayer of intercession. The intercessory prayer will be concluded by Bishop Rodolfo A. Juan, DMin., the Resident Bishop, Davao Episcopal Area of The United Methodist Church. Then a hymn, “Make me a Channel of your Peace” will be sung by the SPMCI Chorale.
Make me a Channel of your peace,
where there is hatred let me bring your love.
Where there is injury, your healing pow’r,
and where there’s doubt, true faith in you.
Make me a channel of your peace,
where there’s despair in life let me bring hope,
where there is darkness only light,
and where there’s sadness every joy
O Spirit, grant that I may never seek
so much to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love with all my soul.
Make me a channel of your peace.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
In giving to all that we receive,
And in dying that we’re born to eternal life.
Blessing for the Food and Coffee
At this moment, the tri-people youth will prepare the boiled sweet potato and banana, and cups of coffee in silence. The meditative song will be sung at this moment.
Leader: God of life, as we share to one another these root crops and cups of coffee, we are actually sharing our lives and blessings to one another.
People: God of life, we long for a united table, a table where our differences do not separate us, but enrich and challenge us.
Leader: God of life, in this table of reconciliation, where we can sit together with our differences and our distinctiveness united in your caring and love.
People: God of life, lead us to the table of abundance where there is room for all, where there is generous sharing so that no one lacks signs of your grace.
Leader: God of life, continue to gather your people around the table of solidarity, where all can celebrate our faith.
All: Amen.
The religious leaders at this moment are requested to offer prayer for the food and coffee.
Sharing of the Food and Coffee
The religious leaders assisted by the young people will distribute the foods and coffee. While uttering the following:
Be the instruments of building bridges to make peace happen and possible in our community. Amen.
Offering our Immediate Support to our Brothers and Sister affected by the Conflict in Marawi City
Leader: Brother and sisters in the interreligious peace building initiatives, let us give our support to the on-going initiative by responding to the basic and urgent needs of our brothers and sisters affected by the conflict in Marawi City who are currently seeking refuge in the different evacuation sites.
Offering will be collected, gathered by the ushers and hand-over to the religious leaders and to the resource person that from Marawi/Iligan.
+Final Blessing
The religious leaders will lead the final blessing.
Go forth in Peace, and be the instrument of the dialogue of life where people strive to live in an open and neighbourly spirit, sharing their joys and sorrows, their human problems and preoccupations.

Go forth in Peace, and be the instrument of the dialogue of action in which Tri-people and others collaborate for the integral development and liberation of people.

Go forth in Peace, and be the instrument of the dialogue of theological exchange where specialists seek to deepen their understanding of their respective religious heritage, and to appreciate each other’s spiritual values.

Go forth in Peace, and be the instrument of the dialogue of religious experience where persons, rooted in their own religious traditions share their spiritual riches, prayer and contemplation.
Three-fold Amen
Going Forth
1.        (2013) HALLELUJAH! : Resources for Prayer and Praise. Republic of Korea: World Council of Churches.
2.        (1989) WITH ALL GOD’S PEOPLE: The New Ecumenical Prayer Cycle. Geneva: WCC Publications.
3.        (1994) YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR: Church and Society Magazine. USA: Presbyterian Church (USA)
4.        2017 Mindanao Peace Building Institute Lecture Guide on “Interreligious Dialogue: Principles and Practice” by Ms. Myla Leguro.
Prepared by Rev. Jeric C. Cortado,

SPMCI Acting Dean, College of Theology

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